Instalando Alfa Awus1900

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Por fin parece que realtek se moja , y envia driver AC … lo malo es que el soporte de este driver es a partir de linux-5.2 , pero parece prometedor.

Se pueden probar en Arch pero no hay soporte (¿aún?) para los chipsets rtl88XXAX de nuestras queridas awus1900
Y en la nota del desarollador de realtek no se mencionan a ningún momento… Los drivers están enfocados a la serie siguiente (B y C en lugar de A)
A ver hasta qué punto se encargan de la retro-compatibilidad…

[quote]From: Yan-Hsuan Chuang

This is a new mac80211 driver for Realtek 802.11ac wireless network chips.
rtwlan supports 8822BE and 8822CE chips, and will be able to support
multi-vif combinations in run-time.

For now, only PCI bus is supported, but rtwlan was originally designed
to optionally support three buses includes USB & SDIO. USB & SDIO modules
will soon be supported by rtwlan, with configurable core module to fit
with different bus modules in the same time.

For example, if we choose 8822BE and 8822CU, only PCI & USB modules will
be selected, built, loaded into kernel. This is one of the major
difference from rtlwifi, which can only support specific combinations.

Another difference from rtlwifi is that rtwlan is designed to support
the latest Realtek 802.11ac wireless network chips like 8822B and
8822C series. Compared to the earlier chips supported by rtlwifi like
the 802.11n 8192EE chipset or 802.11ac 8821AE/8812AE chips, newer ICs
have different MAC & PHY settings, such as new multi-port feature for the
MAC layer design and Jaguar2/Jaguar3 PHY layer IPs.

Multi-Port feature is also supported under rtwlan’s software architecture.
rtlwifi can only support one vif in the same time, most because of the
hardware limitations for early chips, hence the original design of it
also restricts the usage of multi-vif support, so latest chipset seems not
take advantages from its new MAC engine.

However, rtwlan can run multiple vifs concurrently by holding them on
hardware ports provided by MAC engine, hence can easily start different
roles on a single device.
rtw88: mac80211 driver for Realtek 802.11ac wireless network chips

Si parece que de momento es un driver un poco limitado …

For now, only PCI bus is supported , eso para segun que escenarios ,un portatil y una usb … conflicto.

Respecto a compatibilidades ya sabes, a veces no se dice nada…es mejor analizar el fichero ID , para ver que identificadores soporta , … tanto chip AC en el mercado y se han dormiado con linux , me refiero a un soporte nativo en kernel.