para que sirve el comando info

el comando info se usa para obtener información del resto de los comandos del sistema y nos dice como podemos usarlo
‘q’ quits; salir del comando info
‘?’ lists all Info commands; lista toda la información de los comandos
‘h’ starts the Info tutorial; muestra la info de este tutorial
‘mTexinfo RET’ visits the Texinfo manual, etc.

[code]File: dir, Node: Top, This is the top of the INFO tree.

This is the Info main menu (aka directory node).
A few useful Info commands:

‘q’ quits;
‘?’ lists all Info commands;
‘h’ starts the Info tutorial;
‘mTexinfo RET’ visits the Texinfo manual, etc.

  • Menu:


  • Common options: (coreutils)Common options.
  • Coreutils: (coreutils). Core GNU (file, text, shell) utilities.
  • Date input formats: (coreutils)Date input formats.
  • Ed: (ed). The GNU line editor
  • File permissions: (coreutils)File permissions.
    Access modes.
  • Finding files: (find). Operating on files matching certain criteria.

C++ libraries

  • autosprintf: (autosprintf). Support for printf format strings in C++.


  • Gzip: (gzip). General (de)compression of files (lzw).
    -----Info: (dir)Top, 274 líneas --Top------------------------------------------
    Este nodo no tiene ‘Anterior’ ni ‘Superior’ en este documento.


  • Bzip2: (bzip2). A program and library for data compression.
  • SSIP: (ssip). Speech Synthesis Interface Protocol.
  • Speech Dispatcher: (speech-dispatcher).
    Speech Dispatcher.


  • Mtools: (mtools). Mtools: utilities to access DOS disks in Unix.


  • nano: (nano). Small and friendly text editor.

GNU Gettext Utilities

  • autopoint: (gettext)autopoint Invocation.
    Copy gettext infrastructure.

  • envsubst: (gettext)envsubst Invocation.
    Expand environment variables.

  • gettextize: (gettext)gettextize Invocation.
    Prepare a package for gettext.

  • gettext: (gettext). GNU gettext utilities.

  • ISO3166: (gettext)Country Codes.
    ISO 3166 country codes.

  • ISO639: (gettext)Language Codes.
    ISO 639 language codes.

  • msgattrib: (gettext)msgattrib Invocation.
    -----Info: (dir)Top, 274 líneas --10%------------------------------------------

  • msgcat: (gettext)msgcat Invocation.
    Combine several PO files.

  • msgcmp: (gettext)msgcmp Invocation.
    Compare a PO file and template.

  • msgcomm: (gettext)msgcomm Invocation.
    Match two PO files.

  • msgconv: (gettext)msgconv Invocation.
    Convert PO file to encoding.

  • msgen: (gettext)msgen Invocation.
    Create an English PO file.

  • msgexec: (gettext)msgexec Invocation.
    Process a PO file.

  • msgfilter: (gettext)msgfilter Invocation.
    Pipe a PO file through a filter.

  • msgfmt: (gettext)msgfmt Invocation.
    Make MO files out of PO files.

  • msggrep: (gettext)msggrep Invocation.
    Select part of a PO file.

  • msginit: (gettext)msginit Invocation.
    Create a fresh PO file.

  • msgmerge: (gettext)msgmerge Invocation.
    Update a PO file from template.

  • msgunfmt: (gettext)msgunfmt Invocation.
    -----Info: (dir)Top, 274 líneas --20%------------------------------------------

  • msguniq: (gettext)msguniq Invocation.
    Unify duplicates for PO file.

  • ngettext: (gettext)ngettext Invocation.
    Translate a message with plural.

  • xgettext: (gettext)xgettext Invocation.
    Extract strings into a PO file.

GNU organization

  • Maintaining Findutils: (find-maint).
    Maintaining GNU findutils

GNU Utilities

  • dirmngr: (gnupg). X.509 CRL and OCSP server.
  • dirmngr-client: (gnupg). X.509 CRL and OCSP client.
  • gpg-agent: (gnupg). The secret key daemon.
  • gpg2: (gnupg). OpenPGP encryption and signing tool.
  • gpgsm: (gnupg). S/MIME encryption and signing tool.
  • gpg: (gnupg1). OpenPGP encryption and signing tool (v1).

Individual utilities

  • aclocal-invocation: (automake-1.15)aclocal Invocation.
    Generating aclocal.m4.

  • arch: (coreutils)arch invocation. Print machine hardware name.

  • automake-invocation: (automake-1.15)automake Invocation.

  • base32: (coreutils)base32 invocation. Base32 encode/decode data.
    -----Info: (dir)Top, 274 líneas --31%------------------------------------------

  • base64: (coreutils)base64 invocation. Base64 encode/decode data.

  • basename: (coreutils)basename invocation. Strip directory and suffix.

  • cat: (coreutils)cat invocation. Concatenate and write files.

  • chcon: (coreutils)chcon invocation. Change SELinux CTX of files.

  • chgrp: (coreutils)chgrp invocation. Change file groups.

  • chmod: (coreutils)chmod invocation. Change access permissions.

  • chown: (coreutils)chown invocation. Change file owners and groups.

  • chroot: (coreutils)chroot invocation. Specify the root directory.

  • cksum: (coreutils)cksum invocation. Print POSIX CRC checksum.

  • cmp: (diffutils)Invoking cmp. Compare 2 files byte by byte.

  • comm: (coreutils)comm invocation. Compare sorted files by line.

  • cp: (coreutils)cp invocation. Copy files.

  • csplit: (coreutils)csplit invocation. Split by context.

  • cut: (coreutils)cut invocation. Print selected parts of lines.

  • date: (coreutils)date invocation. Print/set system date and time.

  • dd: (coreutils)dd invocation. Copy and convert a file.

  • df: (coreutils)df invocation. Report file system disk usage.

  • diff3: (diffutils)Invoking diff3. Compare 3 files line by line.

  • diff: (diffutils)Invoking diff. Compare 2 files line by line.

  • dir: (coreutils)dir invocation. List directories briefly.

  • dircolors: (coreutils)dircolors invocation. Color setup for ls.

  • dirname: (coreutils)dirname invocation. Strip last file name component.

  • du: (coreutils)du invocation. Report on disk usage.

  • echo: (coreutils)echo invocation. Print a line of text.
    -----Info: (dir)Top, 274 líneas --40%------------------------------------------

  • env: (coreutils)env invocation. Modify the environment.

  • expand: (coreutils)expand invocation. Convert tabs to spaces.

  • expr: (coreutils)expr invocation. Evaluate expressions.

  • factor: (coreutils)factor invocation. Print prime factors

  • false: (coreutils)false invocation. Do nothing, unsuccessfully.

  • find: (find)Invoking find. Finding and acting on files.

  • fmt: (coreutils)fmt invocation. Reformat paragraph text.

  • fold: (coreutils)fold invocation. Wrap long input lines.

  • groups: (coreutils)groups invocation. Print group names a user is in.

  • gunzip: (gzip)Overview. Decompression.

  • gzexe: (gzip)Overview. Compress executables.

  • head: (coreutils)head invocation. Output the first part of files.

  • hostid: (coreutils)hostid invocation. Print numeric host identifier.

  • hostname: (coreutils)hostname invocation. Print or set system name.

  • id: (coreutils)id invocation. Print user identity.

  • install: (coreutils)install invocation. Copy files and set attributes.

  • join: (coreutils)join invocation. Join lines on a common field.

  • kill: (coreutils)kill invocation. Send a signal to processes.

  • link: (coreutils)link invocation. Make hard links between files.

  • ln: (coreutils)ln invocation. Make links between files.

  • locate: (find)Invoking locate. Finding files in a database.

  • logname: (coreutils)logname invocation. Print current login name.

  • ls: (coreutils)ls invocation. List directory contents.

  • md5sum: (coreutils)md5sum invocation. Print or check MD5 digests.
    -----Info: (dir)Top, 274 líneas --50%------------------------------------------

  • mkdir: (coreutils)mkdir invocation. Create directories.

  • mkfifo: (coreutils)mkfifo invocation. Create FIFOs (named pipes).

  • mknod: (coreutils)mknod invocation. Create special files.

  • mktemp: (coreutils)mktemp invocation. Create temporary files.

  • mv: (coreutils)mv invocation. Rename files.

  • nice: (coreutils)nice invocation. Modify niceness.

  • nl: (coreutils)nl invocation. Number lines and write files.

  • nohup: (coreutils)nohup invocation. Immunize to hangups.

  • nproc: (coreutils)nproc invocation. Print the number of processors.

  • numfmt: (coreutils)numfmt invocation. Reformat numbers.

  • od: (coreutils)od invocation. Dump files in octal, etc.

  • paste: (coreutils)paste invocation. Merge lines of files.

  • patch: (diffutils)Invoking patch. Apply a patch to a file.

  • pathchk: (coreutils)pathchk invocation. Check file name portability.

  • pr: (coreutils)pr invocation. Paginate or columnate files.

  • printenv: (coreutils)printenv invocation. Print environment variables.

  • printf: (coreutils)printf invocation. Format and print data.

  • ptx: (coreutils)ptx invocation. Produce permuted indexes.

  • pwd: (coreutils)pwd invocation. Print working directory.

  • readlink: (coreutils)readlink invocation. Print referent of a symlink.

  • realpath: (coreutils)realpath invocation. Print resolved file names.

  • rm: (coreutils)rm invocation. Remove files.

  • rmdir: (coreutils)rmdir invocation. Remove empty directories.

  • runcon: (coreutils)runcon invocation. Run in specified SELinux CTX.
    -----Info: (dir)Top, 274 líneas --60%------------------------------------------

  • sdiff: (diffutils)Invoking sdiff. Merge 2 files side-by-side.

  • seq: (coreutils)seq invocation. Print numeric sequences

  • sha1sum: (coreutils)sha1sum invocation. Print or check SHA-1 digests.

  • sha2: (coreutils)sha2 utilities. Print or check SHA-2 digests.

  • shred: (coreutils)shred invocation. Remove files more securely.

  • shuf: (coreutils)shuf invocation. Shuffling text files.

  • sleep: (coreutils)sleep invocation. Delay for a specified time.

  • sort: (coreutils)sort invocation. Sort text files.

  • split: (coreutils)split invocation. Split into pieces.

  • stat: (coreutils)stat invocation. Report file(system) status.

  • stdbuf: (coreutils)stdbuf invocation. Modify stdio buffering.

  • stty: (coreutils)stty invocation. Print/change terminal settings.

  • sum: (coreutils)sum invocation. Print traditional checksum.

  • sync: (coreutils)sync invocation. Synchronize memory to disk.

  • tac: (coreutils)tac invocation. Reverse files.

  • tail: (coreutils)tail invocation. Output the last part of files.

  • tee: (coreutils)tee invocation. Redirect to multiple files.

  • test: (coreutils)test invocation. File/string tests.

  • time: (time). Run programs and summarize
    system resource usage.

  • timeout: (coreutils)timeout invocation. Run with time limit.

  • touch: (coreutils)touch invocation. Change file timestamps.

  • tr: (coreutils)tr invocation. Translate characters.

  • true: (coreutils)true invocation. Do nothing, successfully.

  • truncate: (coreutils)truncate invocation. Shrink/extend size of a file.
    -----Info: (dir)Top, 274 líneas --70%------------------------------------------

  • tsort: (coreutils)tsort invocation. Topological sort.

  • tty: (coreutils)tty invocation. Print terminal name.

  • uname: (coreutils)uname invocation. Print system information.

  • unexpand: (coreutils)unexpand invocation. Convert spaces to tabs.

  • uniq: (coreutils)uniq invocation. Uniquify files.

  • unlink: (coreutils)unlink invocation. Removal via unlink(2).

  • updatedb: (find)Invoking updatedb. Building the locate database.

  • uptime: (coreutils)uptime invocation. Print uptime and load.

  • users: (coreutils)users invocation. Print current user names.

  • vdir: (coreutils)vdir invocation. List directories verbosely.

  • wc: (coreutils)wc invocation. Line, word, and byte counts.

  • who: (coreutils)who invocation. Print who is logged in.

  • whoami: (coreutils)whoami invocation. Print effective user ID.

  • xargs: (find)Invoking xargs. Operating on many files.

  • yes: (coreutils)yes invocation. Print a string indefinitely.

  • zcat: (gzip)Overview. Decompression to stdout.

  • zdiff: (gzip)Overview. Compare compressed files.

  • zforce: (gzip)Overview. Force .gz extension on files.

  • zgrep: (gzip)Overview. Search compressed files.

  • zmore: (gzip)Overview. Decompression output by pages.


  • Debian menu: (menu). The Debian menu system

-----Info: (dir)Top, 274 líneas --80%------------------------------------------

  • grub-dev: (grub-dev). The GRand Unified Bootloader Dev
  • grub-install: (grub)Invoking grub-install.
    Install GRUB on your drive
  • grub-mkconfig: (grub)Invoking grub-mkconfig.
    Generate GRUB configuration
  • grub-mkpasswd-pbkdf2: (grub)Invoking grub-mkpasswd-pbkdf2.
  • grub-mkrelpath: (grub)Invoking grub-mkrelpath.
  • grub-mkrescue: (grub)Invoking grub-mkrescue.
    Make a GRUB rescue image
  • grub-mount: (grub)Invoking grub-mount.
    Mount a file system using GRUB
  • grub-probe: (grub)Invoking grub-probe.
    Probe device information
  • grub-script-check: (grub)Invoking grub-script-check.
  • GRUB: (grub). The GRand Unified Bootloader


  • RLuserman: (rluserman). The GNU readline library User’s Manual.
  • libgpg-error: (gnupg). Error codes and common code for GnuPG.


  • bc: (bc). An arbitrary precision calculator language.
  • dc: (dc). Arbitrary precision RPN “Desktop Calculator”.

Network applications
-----Info: (dir)Top, 274 líneas --90%------------------------------------------

  • Wget: (wget). Non-interactive network downloader.


  • macchanger: (macchanger). Utility for viewing MAC address


  • flex: (flex). Fast lexical analyzer generator (lex

Software development

  • Automake: (automake-1.15). Making GNU standards-compliant Makefiles.


  • SSIP: (ssip). Speech Synthesis Interface Protocol.
  • Say for Speech Dispatcher: (spd-say).
  • Speech Dispatcher: (speech-dispatcher).
    Speech Dispatcher.

Text creation and manipulation

  • Diffutils: (diffutils). Comparing and merging files.
  • M4: (m4). A powerful macro processor.
  • grep: (grep). Print lines matching a pattern.
  • sed: (sed). Stream EDitor.
    -----Info: (dir)Top, 274 líneas --Bot------------------------------------------
    No hay más nodos en este documento.

para poner un ejemplo pondré info cp (copiar);

Next: dd invocation,  Up: Basic operations

11.1 ‘cp’: Copy files and directories

‘cp’ copies files (or, optionally, directories).  The copy is completely
independent of the original.  You can either copy one file to another,
or copy arbitrarily many files to a destination directory.  Synopses:

     cp [OPTION]... -T] SOURCE DEST
     cp [OPTION]... -t DIRECTORY SOURCE...

   • If two file names are given, ‘cp’ copies the first file to the

   • If the ‘--target-directory’ (‘-t’) option is given, or failing that
     if the last file is a directory and the ‘--no-target-directory’
     (‘-T’) option is not given, ‘cp’ copies each SOURCE file to the
     specified directory, using the SOURCEs’ names.

   Generally, files are written just as they are read.  For exceptions,
see the ‘--sparse’ option below.

   By default, ‘cp’ does not copy directories.  However, the ‘-R’, ‘-a’,
and ‘-r’ options cause ‘cp’ to copy recursively by descending into
source directories and copying files to corresponding destination
-----Info: ( invocation, 389 líneas --Top------------------
Esto es Info, versión 6.1. Teclee H para ayuda, h para cursillo.

   When copying from a symbolic link, ‘cp’ normally follows the link
only when not copying recursively or when ‘--link’ (‘-l’) is used.  This
default can be overridden with the ‘--archive’ (‘-a’), ‘-d’,
‘--dereference’ (‘-L’), ‘--no-dereference’ (‘-P’), and ‘-H’ options.  If
more than one of these options is specified, the last one silently
overrides the others.

   When copying to a symbolic link, ‘cp’ follows the link only when it
refers to an existing regular file.  However, when copying to a dangling
symbolic link, ‘cp’ refuses by default, and fails with a diagnostic,
since the operation is inherently dangerous.  This behavior is contrary
to historical practice and to POSIX.  Set ‘POSIXLY_CORRECT’ to make ‘cp’
attempt to create the target of a dangling destination symlink, in spite
of the possible risk.  Also, when an option like ‘--backup’ or ‘--link’
acts to rename or remove the destination before copying, ‘cp’ renames or
removes the symbolic link rather than the file it points to.

-----Info: ( invocation, 389 líneas -- 5%------------------

   By default, ‘cp’ copies the contents of special files only when not
copying recursively.  This default can be overridden with the
‘--copy-contents’ option.

   ‘cp’ generally refuses to copy a file onto itself, with the following
exception: if ‘--force --backup’ is specified with SOURCE and DEST
identical, and referring to a regular file, ‘cp’ will make a backup
file, either regular or numbered, as specified in the usual ways (*note
Backup options::).  This is useful when you simply want to make a backup
of an existing file before changing it.

   The program accepts the following options.  Also see *note Common

     Preserve as much as possible of the structure and attributes of the
     original files in the copy (but do not attempt to preserve internal
     directory structure; i.e., ‘ls -U’ may list the entries in a copied
     directory in a different order).  Try to preserve SELinux security
     context and extended attributes (xattr), but ignore any failure to
     do that and print no corresponding diagnostic.  Equivalent to ‘-dR
     --preserve=all’ with the reduced diagnostics.

     Copy only the specified attributes of the source file to the
     destination.  If the destination already exists, do not alter its
     contents.  See the ‘--preserve’ option for controlling which
     attributes to copy.

     *Note Backup options::.  Make a backup of each file that would
     otherwise be overwritten or removed.  As a special case, ‘cp’ makes
     a backup of SOURCE when the force and backup options are given and
     SOURCE and DEST are the same name for an existing, regular file.
     One useful application of this combination of options is this tiny
     Bourne shell script:

-----Info: ( invocation, 389 líneas --16%------------------

          # Usage: backup FILE...
          # Create a GNU-style backup of each listed FILE.
          for i; do
            cp --backup --force --preserve=all -- "$i" "$i" || fail=1
          exit $fail

     If copying recursively, copy the contents of any special files
     (e.g., FIFOs and device files) as if they were regular files.  This
     means trying to read the data in each source file and writing it to
     the destination.  It is usually a mistake to use this option, as it
     normally has undesirable effects on special files like FIFOs and
     the ones typically found in the ‘/dev’ directory.  In most cases,
     ‘cp -R --copy-contents’ will hang indefinitely trying to read from
     FIFOs and special files like ‘/dev/console’, and it will fill up
     your destination disk if you use it to copy ‘/dev/zero’.  This
     option has no effect unless copying recursively, and it does not
     affect the copying of symbolic links.

     Copy symbolic links as symbolic links rather than copying the files
     that they point to, and preserve hard links between source files in
     the copies.  Equivalent to ‘--no-dereference --preserve=links’.

     When copying without this option and an existing destination file
     cannot be opened for writing, the copy fails.  However, with
     ‘--force’, when a destination file cannot be opened, ‘cp’ then
     removes it and tries to open it again.  Contrast this behavior with
     that enabled by ‘--link’ and ‘--symbolic-link’, whereby the
     destination file is never opened but rather is removed
     unconditionally.  Also see the description of

     This option is independent of the ‘--interactive’ or ‘-i’ option:
     neither cancels the effect of the other.

     This option is ignored when the ‘--no-clobber’ or ‘-n’ option is
     also used.

     If a command line argument specifies a symbolic link, then copy the
     file it points to rather than the symbolic link itself.  However,
     copy (preserving its nature) any symbolic link that is encountered
     via recursive traversal.

     When copying a file other than a directory, prompt whether to
     overwrite an existing destination file.  The ‘-i’ option overrides
     a previous ‘-n’ option.

     Make hard links instead of copies of non-directories.

     Follow symbolic links when copying from them.  With this option,
     ‘cp’ cannot create a symbolic link.  For example, a symlink (to
     regular file) in the source tree will be copied to a regular file
     in the destination tree.

    Do not overwrite an existing file.  The ‘-n’ option overrides a
     previous ‘-i’ option.  This option is mutually exclusive with ‘-b’
     or ‘--backup’ option.

     Copy symbolic links as symbolic links rather than copying the files
     that they point to.  This option affects only symbolic links in the
     source; symbolic links in the destination are always followed if

     Preserve the specified attributes of the original files.  If
     specified, the ATTRIBUTE_LIST must be a comma-separated list of one
     or more of the following strings:

          Preserve the file mode bits and access control lists.
          Preserve the owner and group.  On most modern systems, only
          users with appropriate privileges may change the owner of a
          file, and ordinary users may preserve the group ownership of a
          file only if they happen to be a member of the desired group.
-----Info: ( invocation, 389 líneas --41%------------------

          Preserve the times of last access and last modification, when
          possible.  On older systems, it is not possible to preserve
          these attributes when the affected file is a symbolic link.
          However, many systems now provide the ‘utimensat’ function,
          which makes it possible even for symbolic links.
          Preserve in the destination files any links between
          corresponding source files.  Note that with ‘-L’ or ‘-H’, this
          option can convert symbolic links to hard links.  For example,
               $ mkdir c; : > a; ln -s a b; cp -aH a b c; ls -i1 c
               74161745 a
               74161745 b
          Note the inputs: ‘b’ is a symlink to regular file ‘a’, yet the
          files in destination directory, ‘c/’, are hard-linked.  Since
          ‘-a’ implies ‘--no-dereference’ it would copy the symlink, but
          the later ‘-H’ tells ‘cp’ to dereference the command line
          arguments where it then sees two files with the same inode
          number.  Then the ‘--preserve=links’ option also implied by
          ‘-a’ will preserve the perceived hard link.

          Here is a similar example that exercises ‘cp’’s ‘-L’ option:
               $ mkdir b c; (cd b; : > a; ln -s a b); cp -aL b c; ls -i1 c/b
               74163295 a
               74163295 b

-----Info: ( invocation, 389 líneas --49%------------------

          Preserve SELinux security context of the file, or fail with
          full diagnostics.
          Preserve extended attributes of the file, or fail with full
          diagnostics.  If ‘cp’ is built without xattr support, ignore
          this option.  If SELinux context, ACLs or Capabilities are
          implemented using xattrs, they are preserved implicitly by
          this option as well, i.e., even without specifying
          ‘--preserve=mode’ or ‘--preserve=context’.
          Preserve all file attributes.  Equivalent to specifying all of
          the above, but with the difference that failure to preserve
          SELinux security context or extended attributes does not
          change ‘cp’’s exit status.  In contrast to ‘-a’, all but
          ‘Operation not supported’ warnings are output.

     Using ‘--preserve’ with no ATTRIBUTE_LIST is equivalent to

     In the absence of this option, the permissions of existing
     destination files are unchanged.  Each new file is created with the
     mode of the corresponding source file minus the set-user-ID,
     set-group-ID, and sticky bits as the create mode; the operating
     system then applies either the umask or a default ACL, possibly
     resulting in a more restrictive file mode.  *Note File

-----Info: ( invocation, 389 líneas --56%------------------

     Do not preserve the specified attributes.  The ATTRIBUTE_LIST has
     the same form as for ‘--preserve’.

     Form the name of each destination file by appending to the target
     directory a slash and the specified name of the source file.  The
     last argument given to ‘cp’ must be the name of an existing
     directory.  For example, the command:

          cp --parents a/b/c existing_dir

     copies the file ‘a/b/c’ to ‘existing_dir/a/b/c’, creating any
     missing intermediate directories.

     Copy directories recursively.  By default, do not follow symbolic
     links in the source unless used together with the ‘--link’ (‘-l’)
     option; see the ‘--archive’ (‘-a’), ‘-d’, ‘--dereference’ (‘-L’),
     ‘--no-dereference’ (‘-P’), and ‘-H’ options.  Special files are
     copied by creating a destination file of the same type as the
     source; see the ‘--copy-contents’ option.  It is not portable to
     use ‘-r’ to copy symbolic links or special files.  On some non-GNU
     systems, ‘-r’ implies the equivalent of ‘-L’ and ‘--copy-contents’
     for historical reasons.  Also, it is not portable to use ‘-R’ to
     copy symbolic links unless you also specify ‘-P’, as POSIX allows
     implementations that dereference symbolic links by default.

     Perform a lightweight, copy-on-write (COW) copy, if supported by
     the file system.  Once it has succeeded, beware that the source and
     destination files share the same disk data blocks as long as they
     remain unmodified.  Thus, if a disk I/O error affects data blocks
     of one of the files, the other suffers the same fate.

     The WHEN value can be one of the following:

-----Info: ( invocation, 389 líneas --67%------------------
         The default behavior: if the copy-on-write operation is not
          supported then report the failure for each file and exit with
          a failure status.

          If the copy-on-write operation is not supported then fall back
          to the standard copy behavior.

     This option is overridden by the ‘--link’, ‘--symbolic-link’ and
     ‘--attributes-only’ options, thus allowing it to be used to
     configure the default data copying behavior for ‘cp’.  For example,
     with the following alias, ‘cp’ will use the minimum amount of space
     supported by the file system.

          alias cp='cp --reflink=auto --sparse=always'

     Remove each existing destination file before attempting to open it
     (contrast with ‘-f’ above).

     A “sparse file” contains “holes”—a sequence of zero bytes that does
     not occupy any physical disk blocks; the ‘read’ system call reads
     these as zeros.  This can both save considerable disk space and
-----Info: ( invocation, 389 líneas --74%------------------

     increase speed, since many binary files contain lots of consecutive
     zero bytes.  By default, ‘cp’ detects holes in input source files
     via a crude heuristic and makes the corresponding output file
     sparse as well.  Only regular files may be sparse.

     The WHEN value can be one of the following:

          The default behavior: if the input file is sparse, attempt to
          make the output file sparse, too.  However, if an output file
          exists but refers to a non-regular file, then do not attempt
          to make it sparse.

          For each sufficiently long sequence of zero bytes in the input
          file, attempt to create a corresponding hole in the output
          file, even if the input file does not appear to be sparse.
          This is useful when the input file resides on a file system
          that does not support sparse files (for example, ‘efs’ file
          systems in SGI IRIX 5.3 and earlier), but the output file is
          on a type of file system that does support them.  Holes may be
          created only in regular files, so if the destination file is
          of some other type, ‘cp’ does not even try to make it sparse.

          Never make the output file sparse.  This is useful in creating
          a file for use with the ‘mkswap’ command, since such a file
          must not have any holes.

     Remove any trailing slashes from each SOURCE argument.  *Note
     Trailing slashes::.

     Make symbolic links instead of copies of non-directories.  All
     source file names must be absolute (starting with ‘/’) unless the
     destination files are in the current directory.  This option merely
     results in an error message on systems that do not support symbolic

     Append SUFFIX to each backup file made with ‘-b’.  *Note Backup

     Specify the destination DIRECTORY.  *Note Target directory::.

-----Info: ( invocation, 389 líneas --88%------------------

     Do not treat the last operand specially when it is a directory or a
     symbolic link to a directory.  *Note Target directory::.

     Do not copy a non-directory that has an existing destination with
     the same or newer modification time.  If time stamps are being
     preserved, the comparison is to the source time stamp truncated to
     the resolutions of the destination file system and of the system
     calls used to update time stamps; this avoids duplicate work if
     several ‘cp -pu’ commands are executed with the same source and
     destination.  If ‘--preserve=links’ is also specified (like with
     ‘cp -au’ for example), that will take precedence.  Consequently,
     depending on the order that files are processed from the source,
     newer files in the destination may be replaced, to mirror hard
     links in the source.

     Print the name of each file before copying it.

-----Info: ( invocation, 389 líneas --95%------------------

     Skip subdirectories that are on different file systems from the one
     that the copy started on.  However, mount point directories _are_

     Without a specified CONTEXT, adjust the SELinux security context
     according to the system default type for destination files,
     similarly to the ‘restorecon’ command.  The long form of this
     option with a specific context specified, will set the context for
     newly created files only.  With a specified context, if both
     SELinux and SMACK are disabled, a warning is issued.  This option
     is mutually exclusive with the ‘--preserve=context’ option, and
     overrides the ‘--preserve=all’ and ‘-a’ options.

   An exit status of zero indicates success, and a nonzero value
indicates failure.

-----Info: ( invocation, 389 líneas --Bot------------------

como habéis podido observar nos va diciendo todo detallado, incluso el porcentaje de líneas que tiene de información y el porcentaje que llevamos leído

espero que os sea de utilidad.
toda la información está sacada de la terminal de mi sistema del comando info e info cp, os animos a que lo probeis
y podais ver como se manejan los comandos en linux.

Entonces con el comando (info) te aparecen todos los comandos que puedes utilizar en cualquier linux? o son exclusivos de ubuntu?

debe venir en cualquier linux instalado por default. ya dependera de la distribución que use cada uno si el creador de dicha distribución lo ha metido o no.

Haaaaaaaaa,ok entonces en ubuntu por (default) viene instalado. :cool:

sí, en ubuntu sí, y supongo que en kali y wifislax también, voy hacer una prueba para confirmarlo con wifislax que tengo una iso a mano.
confirmado en wifislax viene instalado
podéis comprobarlo en la siguiente ruta.

sudo find /usr/bin -name info

Gracias crash por la (info) nunca mejor dicho :rolleyes: me vendrá bien para no tener que andar buscando,la verdad que si los comandos se pudieran escribir en español,o cualquier otro idioma seria la ostia. :stuck_out_tongue:

No es así: El comando histórico-universal Unix/Linux es man (para consultar las famosas “man pages”)
info no se encuentra instalado en todas las distribuciones por defecto, man sí…, :wink:
No tienes a info instalado por ejemplo en debian: Tienes a man y a whatis qué es el equivalente a info.
Esto dicho si quieres a info está en los repositorios, se añade en dos segundos con sudo apt install info

En este caso info sería igual en ingles o español (information - información) :).
Generalmente se usan palabras cortas y muy simples. No siempre prevale el inglés: echo (escribir en consola) viene del griego, journal (consultar los logs) viene del francès… Pero sí que el inglés es la lengua internacional dominante desde 200 años y desde lejos la informática no deroga a esta regla, más bien lo contrario. y si hay un lenguaje a conocer, es el inglés más que otros, sería solo por la documentación, Es mejor y más abudante en inglès.
Por lo que es del uso del inglès a la hora de programar tampoco supone una dificultad extra, Python fue diseñado para que se pueda programar conociendo 30 palabras de inglés, para que una persona que a penas sabe escribir y leer pueda programar (o alguien que jamás a estudiado inglés, pero todo el mundo aquí ha hecho algo de inglès a la escuela)
Luego está otro tema que es la traducción de las ayudas… Generalmente las man pages están traducidas al español y tienes la ayuda en español. Pero no es automático. Hay proyectos que se dedican a ello y necesitan colaboraciones. Y el hecho de tener lo en español tampoco lo simplifica tanto, no te creas… lo que ayuda es ver los ejemplos y hacer experimentos en consola. Leer definiciones de comandos y opciones sin usarlo… …Te entra por un ojo y te sale por el otro. Usarlas en un caso concreto si que se queda algo.

Entonces el tema está claro,aprender inglés,la verdad que el que utiliza casi a diario el pc,aprende por lo menos a leerlo y entenderlo,en mi caso,como estoy empezando con ubuntu si me interesaba la información de crash,que usa ubuntu,pues estoy experimentando con los comandos,instalar dependencias, scripts,actualizaciones y cosas sencillas para ir paso a paso,siempre es bueno que posten temas de comandos para los más novatos, (no digo que no tengamos temas en la web) :smiley:

Edit:Como dije tiempo atrás estoy poniéndome las pilas con ubuntu,lo que pasa que soy muy mío :cool: y no me gusta estar preguntando pelotudeces,sin antes al menos haber buscado y rebuscado por la web,y aun asi si no la encuentro,pongo mi plan maestro en marcha,por ejemplo yo hace casi 6 meses no sabía que para poner lo emoticonos solo había que dejar un puto espacio joder,tal que así :pam:,pues no pregunte y me busque la vida,y así con casi todo y algún consejo del compi crash me ayudan poco a poco a manejarme por la web. :wink: